No. 1 in M&A for small and medium-sized venture companies
Most advisors in the industry


Park Sang-min
M&A advisor
Kim Dae-up
Finance advisor
Kim Su-jung
Finance advisor
Lee Jun-myung
Finance advisor
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Average experience of 15 years+,
Korea's top financial expert

Group companies total 30 people +

Park Sang-min
M&A advisor
#금융투자협회 #미래에셋
Kim Dae-up
M&A advisor
#KPMG #미래에셋 #삼성증권
Kim Su-jung
M&A advisor
#미래에셋 # (US) University of Minnesota
Lee Jun-myung
M&A advisor
#영림 # (KR) Seoul National University
Kang Lae Kyung
Partner accounting firm
Shin Jeong-ho
Partner accounting firm
Kang Kyung-gu
Partner accounting firm
#Deloitte #KB
Cho Hyung-rae
Partner accounting firm
#Deloitte #KPMG

M&A specialized in small and medium-sized venture companies,
No.1 Financial Advisor

M&A sale advisory scale
(based on 24.4Q)

1.4 Joe+

Financial operations
Size of assets under management

4,000 Billion+

Annual M&A
Inquiry volume

1,260 Gun+
